School Logo

Wooburn Green Primary School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Lunchtime is from 12-1pm for EY/KS1 and 12.15-1.15pm for KS2. Hot lunches are available. 


We run a cashless system, so all lunches are ordered in advance online. Under the Government scheme we are able to offer a FREE school meal to children in Reception and KS1 and to other eligible pupils.


These meals are cooked fresh and delivered into school.  If you would like to order your child a hot meal please follow the link below and set up an account.  Orders for the following week must be placed by midnight on the previous Saturday.  You can order a week at a time or for the whole term.  


To see a full menu, copy and paste the link below to access the innovate website.


If your child requires a special diet please contact:

Mrs Ball - Office Manager
Telephone: 01628 521 634



If you wish to provide your child with a packed lunch from home, please ensure that the lunch is healthy. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed in school. As we have children with nut allergies, foods containing even a trace of nuts are not permitted.

