Contact Details
We operate an open-door policy which encourages all parents, carers or any other member of our wider community to come into school to talk to us about any issues or concerns.
If you would like to book an appointment, please contact the main school office or complete the contact form below. Mrs Ball, our office manager, will be happy to help.
Mrs Ball - Office Manager
Telephone: 01628 521634
If you have a question, query or concern linked directly to your child; their class teacher should be the first point of contact. Concerns can then be escalated to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or to the Headteacher, Mr Kaye.
Any immediate safeguarding concerns can be sent to:
If you require paper copies of any information from this website, please contact the school office.
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Leader: Mr Kaye
Senior Mental Health Leader: Mr Kaye
Assistant Headteacher (EYFS)/Deputy DSL: Miss Colebeck
Chair of Governors: Mr Burley
Assistant Headteacher/SENDCO: Mrs Drake
Curriculum leader: Mr Price
Contact Us
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