School Logo

Wooburn Green Primary School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Remote Learning

If the school needs to close for whatever reason, children may be directed to complete online learning via Tapestry (PSch/YR) or Microsoft Teams (Y1-Y6) - parents/carers will receive communication regarding any period of school closure and how to access remote learning set.


All children (Y1-Y6) have login details for Microsoft Teams - these are stuck in the back of their reading records. Families of children in Pre-School/Reception should already have Tapestry logins. If you need assistance during a period of school closure, please contact the main school office via email: Please refer to the policy above to gain an understanding of our curriculum offer should we need to close.


During a period of school closure, remote learning will be posted on Tapestry for Pre-School/Reception and will be available on Microsoft Teams for Y1-Y6. Should you have any difficulty accessing remote learning, it was also be available on the class pages on our website: 
