Curriculum Intent
At Wooburn Green Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires as one of the core subjects taught in Primary Schools.
As an area of learning, Science is concerned with increasing all (including SEND) pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence.
We ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are developed and extended throughout children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and confidently explaining scientific concepts.
Curriculum Content
The National Curriculum Programme of Study for Science describes a sequence of knowledge and concepts, processes and methods. This sequence of knowledge and concepts is arranged as progressive blocks of key ideas in biology, chemistry and physics, alongside a progression in the skills of working scientifically.
The conceptual ideas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics build on each other and children need to develop a strong understanding of each set of ideas in order for the next set to make sense and for them to make progress. The Programme of Study is set out year by year for Key stages 1 and 2 but each science topic is not covered in every year. It is therefore important that teachers and children know where each block of ideas fits into the overall sequence.
The link below shows Progression Charts where the key ideas within Biology, Chemistry and Physics in the National Curriculum are arranged to show how they are related to each other and how one idea builds on another. The National Curriculum statements have been edited into key ideas statements. The source of each key idea is identified by the year group and the Programme of Study topic heading. Some additional statements have been added to make important links between ideas.
The link below will take you to the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Science.
Curriculum Implementation
Wooburn Green uses the White Rose Science scheme to provide a structured and coherent programme of learning that builds progressively through each year.
White Rose Science provides engaging lesson content in the same progressive, step-by-step method as the White Rose Maths scheme, which has proved very successful here.
Practical experiences of working scientifically are integral to the White Rose scheme. We aim to inspire and excite children with such activities so that they view scientific learning positively.
This table shows the White Rose Science 'blocks' for each year.
Curriculum Impact
Written work in learning books demonstrates that the majority of pupils deepen their scientific understanding of a topic and achieve age related expectations. Pupils enjoy science lessons and are highly engaged by their science learning.
Assessment Information
The most important assessments teachers make are during science lessons, as teachers observe, question children and check children’s work. This helps teachers decide how to support and challenge children as they learn.
Children are also assessed using White Rose Science worksheets. This helps teachers understand how much progress towards each step of the key learning of the National Curriculum each child has made and helps the school as a whole understand how successful its science curriculum is.
Useful Links
You can find lots of supplementary information about National Curriculum Science topics at KS1 Science - BBC Bitesize and KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize.