School Logo

Wooburn Green Primary School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Religious Education 

Curriculum Intent

At Wooburn Green Primary School, we are dedicated to promoting religious education as an integral part of our curriculum. We believe that by providing a rich and inclusive learning environment, we can nurture pupils to become more knowledgeable, respectful, and open-minded individuals.


We intend to develop the children’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of different beliefs, values and traditions through the study of world faiths and practices while contributing to the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Our aim is to empower students to explore different faiths, values and beliefs, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for diversity and promoting tolerance and empathy. Through our religious education curriculum, we strive to instill in our pupils a sense of moral responsibility, compassion and a strong foundation for their personal and spiritual development.


We want our children to know how religious education promotes empathy, diversity and tolerance which will enable pupils to combat prejudice, preparing them for life beyond school.

Curriculum Content

Curriculum Implementation

We have adapted the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus to meet the needs of our school community. Our curriculum ensures the children learn about a variety of religions and cultures from all over the world through enquiry-based learning. 


Each year group has a 1 hour RE lesson every week, focusing on their RE topic which changes each half term.


Curriculum Impact

Our RE lessons open the minds of our pupils; building their awareness and understanding that people can have different views, celebrations, and customs. 

Learning about the different faiths of the people around them develops empathy and respect for people of all faiths. 


The Bucks Agreed Syllabus has four main aims for learners:

  1. To understand the nature, role and influence of religion in the world. 
  2. To pursue personal quest for meaning, purpose and value. 
  3. To formulate reasoned opinion / argument. 
  4. To promote understanding of and respect for different beliefs and life-styles.


Useful Links

Children may find the following websites useful to further their knowledge on a certain topic or area of RE to simply learn something new.



If you would like to discuss withdrawing from part or all of the RE curriculum, then please contact to request this in writing. A member of the Senior Leadership Team and RE Leader will arrange a meeting to discuss this further and to see how the school can accommodate your request.
